Tell Me About Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Tell Me About Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Your Strengths and Weaknesses When hiring managers ask about your strengths and weaknesses, aka improvement opportunities, they want to know if you can perform well on the job. Will you be a great addition to their team? Think, what traits do I poses that will set me...

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Pre Interview Exercise

Pre Interview Exercise

Interview preparation is key to landing any job. There is the common advice to know the details of the job you’re interviewing for and how your skills fit into the role, but have you considered how to organize your responses to ensure you make the best impression?...

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5 Resume Truths in Today’s Job Search

5 Resume Truths in Today’s Job Search

We constantly hear “I haven’t been in the job market in years and it seems like things have changed drastically” and “I keep applying to positions but I’m not hearing anything back.” When seeking a new job keep these five things in mind: Truth #1 – Your resume will...

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