You went through the job search process patiently waiting for the next steps. Finally, you receive a phone call from the company you’ve been interested in for as long as you can remember, and they want to interview you in person! You’re ecstatic by the news but that feeling turns into worry. How will I convince them to hire me? What can I do to leave a positive impression?

Your impressions have been good up to this point. But now that you are about to meet the hiring manager, it’s crucial to nail it. A recent survey from OnePoll found that it takes only 27 seconds for someone to evaluate and form an opinion of another person. It’s daunting to think how little time you’ll have to shape that initial judgement.

Arrival on Time – Punctuality is crucial; aim to arrive 15 minutes early. If you find yourself too early, use that extra time for a final review of your resume, the job description, or to brush up on the company’s latest news on LinkedIn. This also provides a perfect moment for a quick self-confidence boost with a few deep breaths.

Dress Appropriately – Research the company’s dress code and dress one level higher. Choose modern, age-appropriate attire ensuring everything is clean and neatly presented. Moderation is key with perfumes or colognes to avoid overpowering scents and pay attention to your choice of accessories. Planning your outfit in advance will help you look polished and professional.

Practice Your Handshake – Your handshake should be firm but not overpowering. A balanced grip conveys confidence and respect. Rehearsing with friends or family can help perfect it.

Balance Eye Contact – Maintain eye contact for 30%-60% of the conversation, adjusting as needed when speaking or listening. This helps demonstrate your engagement and interest without overdoing it.

Maintain Good Posture – Sit up straight to project confidence and interest. Avoid slouching or leaning too heavily in your chair, as this can suggest disinterest.

Use Hand Gestures – Visible hands are a sign of honesty and engagement. Accompany your verbal communication with appropriate gestures, avoiding stiff or unnatural movements.

Be Mindful of Communication – Allow conversations to flow without interruptions. Practice active listening, giving everyone a chance to speak and demonstrating your interest and respect for others’ perspectives.

Be Professional at All Times – Treat everyone you interact with respect and kindness, from the receptionist to other candidates you might encounter. Small gestures, like holding the door, contribute to a positive impression.

Avoid Distracting Habits – Discard any gum before the interview and opt for mints if necessary. This keeps the interviewer’s attention on your words rather than being distracted.

Silence Your Cellphone – Ensure your phone will not interrupt the interview. Turning it off or to silent mode is a simple yet crucial step in maintaining professional respect during your conversation.

Implementing these strategies not only prepares you for a successful interview but also positions you as a memorable and considerate candidate.